the masters amateur dinner

By John Fischer III Anyone who follows the Masters golf tournament has probably heard of the Champions Dinner held on Tuesday evening of the tournament week. The idea came from Ben Hogan in 1952 who sought permission to hold a dinner for all prior winners of the Masters. The group would constitute The Masters Club. Augusta National Golf Club Chairman, […]

video flyover of ron lyons golf car collection

Every August, Ron Lyons of Canada hosts the annual Canadian Hickory Open Championship on his Legends Golf Course in Edmonton. He is also a GHS member and golf collector of the first order with many dozens of clubs, balls, tees, books… you name it. The item that sets him apart from most others is his passion for golf cars, especially […]

golf historian pete trenham receives distinguished service award

Peter Trenham, a Golf Heritage Society member for many years, was honored on Oct. 26, 2022, by the Golf Association of Philadelphia with its Distinguished Service Award. This award is bestowed upon individuals who have exemplified the spirit of the game of golf at its highest level and who have made a substantial contribution to the game locally, nationally or internationally.  […]

tiger collectible a rare ace

Under the heading of rare golf collectibles comes an item with a Tiger Woods pedigree, a ball he used to score an ace during the 1996 Greater Milwaukee Open. Click here for a Golf Digest story about the ball and why it’s coming up for auction now.

si writer posts visit to ghs convention

Golf journalist John Schwarb was among the many visitors who took a tour of the trade show at the annual Golf Heritage Society convention held in Indianapolis Sept. 22-24. Several items caught his eye, among them a Phil Mickelson golf bag and a Canadian Open medal won by Bobby Jones. His is a great look at the show through the […]