video flyover of ron lyons golf car collection

Every August, Ron Lyons of Canada hosts the annual Canadian Hickory Open Championship on his Legends Golf Course in Edmonton. He is also a GHS member and golf collector of the first order with many dozens of clubs, balls, tees, books… you name it. The item that sets him apart from most others is his passion for golf cars, especially those dating before 1969. His golf course, which he designed and built himself, by the way, has a warehouse museum for his two or three dozen beautifully restored cars; okay, we call ’em carts. His collection has been featured more than once in the Bulletin, most recently in June 2016. A review of a book Lyons produced on the golf car collection also appeared in the BulletinClick here to see that page.

This past summer, Lyons moved all the cars out to one of the fairways on the course and arranged for a flyover with a drone. It’s an interesting way to see all of the cars out in the open on what was once their original habitat, a golf course. Be sure to pause the video, below, occasionally in order to see the individual cars and their varied designs.