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The GHS retains the right to refuse advertisements it deems in poor taste or purely commercial. These classified ads are for members and friends who wish to share, trade, buy, and sell golf collectibles. GHS members may post classified ads, but all visitors to the site can see them. Items will remain listed for three months. You are welcome to re-post after that time. To post an ad, send the information, complete with your membership number, to

2nd edition of Thomas ‘Tom’ Bendelow, The Johnny Appleseed of American Golf – Revised second edition is now available. With minor additions to the original text, plus an updated listing of Bendelow-designed courses, well over 500. Now available on Contact Stuart Bendelow,, or 843-540-1089.
Twelve PoDo Golf Balls – Original box, individually wrapped in four sleeves. Contact John Capers, 610-687-1152.
Golf Clubs – Tony Lema Westerner and Bristol Wizard 600 putters. Unmarked Blacksmith irons. Dave Morgan at 234-281-1490 or
Info, artifacts relating to Jim Barnes, Fred McLeod, Columbia Country Club (Chevy Chase, MD) and the 1921 U.S. Open. Contact Frank Cantrel Jr — or 202-550-6867.
Golf Clubs – Penna MacGregor Tourney woods; George Low Sportsman Wizard 600; ZEBRA Peninsula Sole Mallet; T Stewart FO/RTJ 1,4,5, spade, 44-iron; MacGregor 945 & M85 Tourney woods; Wilson Palmer Putters w/orig grip. or 727-458-0787.
Set of Tad Moore OA irons, new or used. Cash or trade. Reply to
Spalding putters & irons with Indian head stamp; Putters stamped AG Spalding HB, Chicopee or with player’s name; Fernquest Tony Lema Westerner; Ken Venturi V2; Metal tee box markers including Pine Needles & Pinehurst, NC. Contact Mike Lay text or phone 416-912-1899 or email (#01221)

Wood shafted English Rustless Spalding Robt. T. Jones, Jr. Kro-Flite irons – singles, short groups or full set with matching serial numbers. Will pay cash or will trade. Tom Irving, 765-618-0674 or