A Primer on Collecting Golf Art

By John Fischer III The purpose of this article is not to tell the reader what golf art to purchase or how to rate golf art.  It is, rather, to let the reader know the more technical aspects of what he is looking at. The article is also limited to paintings and prints, art which can be hung on the wall, and […]

Collecting Golf Balls

This is one of the most basic of golf collecting categories along with golf clubs, autographs, and books. Balls are integral to the game, after all, and have a long history from the first wooden balls known from the Netherlands to the latest game improvement wonders from modern manufacturers. You name it and golf ball makers have tried it in […]

The Golf, Spring 2019 – Extra Holes

Some classic golf mistakes…Yes, there have been a few, more than we report here… many, many more. But the one’s below, in most cases, led to some very annoying outcomes. • Tiger Woods drop at the 2013 Masters. Rare loss of focus from this master of concentration.• Dustin Johnson’s shot from a waste bunker at the 2010 PGA. Ouch. Cost […]