May 2 Golf Shop radio show interview with Bern Bernacki

The Golf Shop radio show, with hosts Matt Greenhaigh and Matt Blanchard, conducted an interview with GHS President Bern Bernacki on May 2. Click on the logo above to see the story. When you get to the story page, click on the bar to hear the interview.

Golf Heritage Society leaders to host inaugural Texas First Tee Hickory Championship

LEBANON, Ohio (March 11, 2020) – The inaugural Texas First Tee Hickory Championship, to be hosted by the Hickory Golf Association of Texas (HGAT) in partnership with the Golf Heritage Society (GHS) as part of this year’s three-day Onion Creek Hickory Classic, will be played March 27, 2020, at Onion Creek Club, in Austin, Texas. Each of seven First Tee […]

GHS President Bern Bernacki on Golf Talk Live

Jan. 27, 2020 – Bern Bernacki visited the 2020 PGA Show in Orlando, Fla. where two or three interviews had been arranged for him. One such was with Tony Leodora on “Golf Talk Live” where the two discussed the lively changes coming to the GHS and the subject of golf heritage. Click below to hear the interview.

Golf Heritage Society members to host Columbus Golf Collectibles Winter Trade Show

LEBANON, Ohio (January 6, 2020) – Gary and Susan Wyckoff will host the Columbus Golf Collectibles Winter Trade Show again this year, to take place Jan. 10-11 in Columbus, Ohio. The couple are longtime members of the Golf Heritage Society (GHS), formerly known as the Golf Collectors Society. “This is a wonderful event with a rich tradition,” said Dr. Bern […]

Bern Bernacki talks to the “Weekend Golf Guys” radio podcast

On Sunday, Dec. 22, GHS President Bern Bernacki was interviewed by the Weekend Golf Guys for their weekly radio podcast. Bernacki spoke about the Society, its goals and its newest initiatives to attract more members and enhance the value and enjoyment of membership for all. Click here to listen to the show. It is No. 47 on the podcast website.