Tiger and Pebble Beach cook up some short course action

From Geoff Shackelford’s website comes news about Tiger Woods and Pebble Beach. Pebble Beach Golf Links has played an important part of American golf.  Over the years, it has hosted 12 major championships: six U.S. Opens (1972, 1982, 1992, 2000, 2010, 2019); three U.S. Amateurs (1929, 1947, 1961); two U.S. Women’s Amateurs (1940, 1948); and one PGA Championship (1977).  In addition to its championship links, the resort has also offered a short course (Peter Hays Golf Course) for visitors’ enjoyment.  Yesterday, the Pebble Beach Company and Tiger Woods released plans for a reimagined short course facility at Pebble.

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And click here to learn more about Tiger’s design company.