Spending more time at home, eh? Let’s start something

Yeah, the spread of this dang virus has cut deeply into society. No need to make light of it. It’s a serious matter. But, if, as I suspect, many of you are under orders to “shelter in place,” a term that is just plain wrong, by the way, then how about you take a moment to impress your GHS compadres with a little golf history. Check out the topics below, then send your priceless pearls of wisdom to: editorthegolf@gmail.com.

You have until April 24. Oh, the demands of the deadline!

Here we go:

Arnie, The King.
Have you ever met him? Did you shake hands with him? Did he ever call you by your first name? Have you ever shared a round with him? Did you bump into him at Bay Hill and spill his iced tea? Heck, do you have any Arnie stories at all? Well, send them in. We’ll compile a list of the best… assuming you send them… and share them either here or in a future issue of The Golf.

The Big Score
Ever score something really fantastic at an auction, or on eBay, right from the under the noses of the “experts?” Send a note of your earned bragging rights. Don’t forget a photo of the treasured item itself. (I, myself, once purchased a toothpick said to have been discarded by Old Tom. I cannot reveal the hammer price. Sorry.)

Your fav golf movie. Well, Caddyshack, of course, so, your second favorite? Be sure to tell us why. You’ve got 50 words. Go!

Books, yes, books
Anybody read books anymore? I hear that’s a lame business, hardly woke, belonging mostly to a fading generation. Well, fading, maybe, but not gone. Look at the tired old tomes on your shelves and send us your votes for:
• the five best non-fiction golf books
• the five best historical fictional novels
• your five best all-time golf books, period.

The Greatest Of All Time
Let’s ramp it up. Who’s the GOAT, the Greatest Of All Time? (No, you can’t vote for Muhammad Ali. We’re talking golfers, Joey.) Come on, you know you want to. Tell us who’s got your vote and why… in 50 words or fewer. If it’s Johnny Miller, you better have a good reason. (Nothing against Johnny, but, I mean, all time?)

That’s a good start for our conversation starters. Send in your votes, your books, your stories. Let’s share them here and have some fun.

Remember, send to editorthegolf@gmail.com

You’ve got a deadline, too. We don’t want to drag this out too long. You’ve got to April 24 for this first batch. Depending on the success of this little adventure, maybe we’ll cook up another fine stew of golfing topics. It’s all up to you.