Chasing a legend

Victory on top of victory. They just kept coming. Sam Snead, he of the “oily” swing and prodigious physical talents, was a fearsome competitor and one of golf’s American Triumverate, along with Ben Hogan and Byron Nelson (all born in 1912). Bill Fields, one of the great sports journalists, who just happens to have a GHS membership on his CV, posted a recent article for Golf Digest on the likelihood of one Tiger Woods finally overtaking The Slammer for the number of all time victories. But how many victories did Sam have, exactly? Is it 82, 84, or 110? The PGA says 82. Tiger now stands at 81. Just a matter of time, right?

Click here to read Bill’s article on the Golf Digest website. It’s a good un.

Sam and Arnie were heading to South America for some golf, as reported in this 1952 Sports Illustrated magazine.