usga acquires schickler photo collection

GHS member Howard Schickler’s passion for photography was featured in GCS Bulletin No. 209 (December 2016). Long fascinated with the history and wonder these photos portray, Schickler scoured auction sites and bought, sold, and traded with fellow collectors to amass one of the finest troves of golf photography in the world. A story on the sale of this collection – more than 1,000 exhibition quality photographs – to the USGA was described by writer Mike Dojc for Forbes magazine.

USGA Museum Director Hilary Cronheim told Forbes that her office had been working with Schickler for quite a while to prepare for the sale.

Congratulations to Schickler and the USGA on the transaction. We can’t wait to see an exhibition of the photographs. That’s next, right Hilary?

Click here to see the Forbes story by author Mike Dojc.

This image from the Schickler photo collection, which appears in the Forbes story, is of Gene Sarazen, left, and Walter Hagen at the 1922 U.S. Open. Courtesy of the USGA Archives.