the one-ball golf tournament

I’ve played in one-club tournaments, even three- and four-club events, but never in an event that used one ball per player. This one took place in 1945 in France and was a golf event for the Armed Forces. The story comes to us via Philadelphia-based golf historian and golf professional Pete Trenham and his golf history newsletter which, if you not have signed up for, are well worth your time.

The posts, called “Trenham’s Treasure Tove” come along now and then and are great reading if you love golf history. Click here to read about the one-ball tournament and consider how far you might get if you were issued just one ball. (You’ll also be able to explore Pete’s website.)

Henry Longhurst, the great British golf correspondent and broadcaster once wrote that quite often, when he was learning the game, he and his pals had only the one ball between them and when it was lost, the game was over.