the mystery of ralph guldahl

John Fischer III

GHS member and past president John Fischer III is known for his love of golf history. The former journalist and retired attorney researches and writes articles on various aspects of golf history for websites such as The Morning Read as well as golf magazines that include our own quarterly, The Golf. We may be forgiven, I think, if we claim John as “our own.”

Fischer’s articles are often emailed to a private list and titled “Random Golf Footnotes,” and they are a delight to read. In fact, based on a recent note to The Morning Read, he is building quite a cadre of admirers on that platform who are keen to learn more about interesting sidelights and near-forgotten aspects of the game’s rich history.

Fischer’s latest post to The Morning Read covers the career of Ralph Guldahl, a golfer whom many thought might challenge Bobby Jones for supremacy, but who rather quietly faded from the spotlight. It’s an engaging story. Click here to see the story on The Morning Read website.

Ralph Guldahl, winner of the 1937 U.S. Open at Oakland Hills. Courtesy of John Fischer III.