the lady in black

It is a delicious story, one that infuses otherwise staid golf history with a little spice and mystery. It is the story of Gloria Minoprio, a British woman golfer of the early 1930s, who stunned the conservative British golf world by showing up at the 1933 English Ladies Championship wearing, gasp, trousers! This was simply not done. But that was not the end of it. The daring Miss Minoprio would play only one club, a hickory-shafted cleek.

Golf historian and past GHS president Johnny Fischer III wrote about Miss Minoprio for the Morning Read web post (Sports Illustrated) on Nov. 17. If you missed it, please do click here to view his story on the MR website. With his usual gift for casual writing that carriers the reader right along, Fischer’s account of Minoprio, her golf and background are a delightful read.

Gloria Minoprio