no trunk? no problem

A c. 1924 golf club carrier that attached to the outside of a car on its running board. It’s 36-inches tall and the three brass rods can extend even higher. The unit is a foot wide and about 14 inches deep when the guards are adjusted to their maximum.

From the golf collection of the late Peter Helwig is this fully refurbished and quite functional c. 1924 automobile bag carrier. Picture those old cars with the large running boards that ran front to back along the side beneath the car’s doors. Many of the cars did not have trunks, or they were very small, and if you were a golfer space was at a premium, especially if you were driving your golf friends to the club. Well the folks at this Detroit facility had the answer. The frame will accommodate four 1920-era stand-up golf bags with ease. The original metal manufacturer’s label is still attached to the upper brass guard. The frame is composed of bronze, brass and what appears to be cast aluminum. It was thought that it could be attached to either side of the car as the large brass clamps are interchangeable or reversible. One clamp for the running board and the other to… well, somewhere on the car; the door, somehow? The two brass guards have four holes on each side to adjust them as needed. One of them was newly custom made because the original one was missing. It works perfectly. Originally quite tarnished, Helwig retained a silversmith to restore its original shine. The cast golfer shown on the cast metal base wears plus fours and is in full swing.

The plate at the bottom of the carrier.
The manufacturer’s plate on the carrier.