ghs featured in philadelphia golf magazine

Philadelphia has a long history with golf and has produced some of the game’s finest champions, from U.S. Open Champion John McDermott (1911) to Albert H. Smith, one of the country’s top amateurs. The Golf Association of Philadelphia was formed in 1897. Its journal, GAP Magazine, thus has rich depths of Philadelphia-area golf history to mine. Merion Golf Club is part of that history and no one is more familiar with that club than John Capers III, Merion’s archivist and member No. 0003 of the GHS. For GAP’s Fall 2020 edition Capers penned an article on the 50th anniversary of the GHS, featured on page 6. His feature celebrates the legacy of Joe Murdoch, who was a member of the Philadelphia Cricket Club and founded the Golf Collectors Society. Click here to see John’s article and enjoy an important aspect of the distinctive legacy that your Society is pleased to celebrate and of which you are a part.

Joe Murdoch