collecting scotty cameron putters

Scotty Cameron expert Bill Vogeney has long been a fan of Scotty Cameron putters. His 2001 book with co-author David Levine, The Art of the Putter, The Scotty Cameron Story, became a hit with collectors. With the Autumn 2023 edition of The Golf, Vogeney has begun a series of articles to describe the art and work of the now-famous clubmaker. Over time, the articles will include tips on collecting Cameron putters, caveats for collectors and more. Click on the links below to bring up PDFs of the articles as they appeared in The Golf.

Bill Vogeney

Autumn 2023 – An introduction to Scotty Cameron and suggested books for collectors.
Winter 2023 – Early Cameron putters labeled “Scott”
Spring 2024 – Cameron Mizuno Putters
Summer 2024 – Building the Cameron Brand