Antique Trader picks up GHS article

The June 2018 issue of The Bulletin featured a summary of the latest auction news from George Petro. Mr. Petro is a veteran of many auction campaigns, with the battle scars of things that got away as well as a display cabinet of hard-fought victories. For the June Bulletin he wrote a handsome piece about the brisk trade in pin flags from the Masters tournament. The article caught the eye of editors at Antique Trader, a national trade magazine for the antiques market. They requested permission to reprint the article in their Aug. 15 edition and thus was Mr. Petro, the GCS, and Masters flags introduced to a wider market. Mr. Petro was unavailable for comment, inundated, we suspect, with innumerable requests for media interviews. Although the feature story was on vintage Tupperware, we have no doubt that the Antique Trader audience will find a new and interesting topic in golf collectibles, as well as the GCS itself. Thank you, Mr. Petro!