Golf Auction Opportunities at the GHS National Convention – Sept. 29-Oct. 2
By Bern Bernacki
Golf Collectibles are HOT! Witness the tidy sum fetched for Tiger’s putter at a recent auction – $365K! Yes, really! Now that I have your attention…
We will offer four, yes FOUR auction opportunities during our week together at the GHS National Convention. All are offered to improve your individual golf collections.

First, from 5-8 p.m. Wednesday evening, our Presenting Sponsor Golf Auction, and PBA Galleries will be at the Doubletree Monroeville, Pa., our host hotel, with both “High End” as well as “affordable by all” items we all secretly covet. Everyone may view the items on site from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and even during the auction. Go crazy or invest strategically, it’s your call.
Next, on Thursday, Sept. 30, immediately after the GHS Hickory and Classic Club Champions are crowned, and our National Heritage Golf Events are declared a delightful success, we will offer an impressive array of golf collectibles and Arnold Palmer-themed items for a silent auction. All of this happens at Palmer’s beloved Latrobe CC.

Only those registered for the Latrobe CC golf outing, the Heritage Putting Challenge, or 19th hole festivities are eligible to participate in this “Latrobe CC Auction” action. This is your last invitation. Sign up now to be included in everything about this great GHS Day.
On Friday evening, Oct. 1, at the GHS National Awards and Hall of Fame induction banquet, we will offer a limited number of unique golf-themed values for yet another, great GHS sponsored auction opportunity.
Since more is better when collecting, we will continue hunting for and adding those special, not likely seen elsewhere, golf treasures…like a Sam Snead Collectors’ package. And just maybe we can assemble THE Arnold Palmer Dream Collectibles Package! Please contact us to donate for this and all of our GHS sponsored auctions.

Call Bob Muir, GHS Convention Chairman, 724 388-3110; or, John Rusbosin, our “Latrobe Hosts” representative, at 724 832-3417.
Thanks all for sharing and for buying.
Finally, on Saturday, Oct. 2, is our anticipated, traditional, and always awesome GHS Silent Auction. It will be held at the host hotel, at the GHS Trade Show & Sale. We already have acquired many “must have golf items” and we’re still accepting More, all donated by GHS members and friends, now and right up to the opening of the GHS Trade Show. Call, text or email Bob or John R ASAP.
NOTE: Your bids on the Trade Show auction as well as our banquet and LCC auctions directly benefit the GHS operations and our GHS charitable activities.
Final bids on the GHS Trade Show items must be received before 2 p.m. Remember… Silent Auction bidding closes promptly at 2 p.m. So, bid early and often and good luck!
The judgement of our Team of Auction Assistants in closing the bidding is final.